Back To Life, Back To Reality

A little bit of rejuvenation arrived in the mail. Arc'teryx has a new water repellent treatment called Nu and I'm pretty excited at the idea that it can bring years more life back into some of my favourite outdoor gear. Gore-Tex and other membrane fabrics are wonderful but over time they lose their ability to repel water. Dirt, sweat, grime, and water itself will slowly erode away these water resistant characteristics.
There are other products on the market that you can add to your laundry washing machine, but I've never been a fan. Too much of those chemicals end up rinsed into the environment through the process. I never thought about it until a climbing buddy told me all about it. He wrote his PHD thesis on the effects of these chemicals in the environment and their source. So Nu seems like a good alternative to try. You wash the garment in technical apparel friendly detergent then spray the Nu on while wet then put it in the dryer to heat activate it. No flushing chemicals from your washing machine.
Let me know if you want to hear how it goes.