Rad Stuff: Rapha Jeans

Rapha: love em, hate em, appreciate em, or loathe them. Everyone in cycling has an opinion on this topic. Personally I like what they are trying to do. Admittedly not all of their stuff is right for me and that's ok. From my experience their quality and craftsmanship warrants a higher price. Sometimes it's not enough for what they are charging but it's the attention to detail that I admire the most. The customer experience is second to none and they always have new collaborations coming to keep their line interesting.
Take their Rapha jeans. Not just another cycling brand trying to make a pair of fashionable jeans. Rapha has molded the pattern to work well on and off the bike. However it's the 'on the bike' that needs to be highlighted. The textile they use is thicker than most stock denim which adds to its durability, but it is also designed to stretch. This make so much sense when you're riding in the city. Tough enough to survive but pliable to move with you. Nice.
A detail in the jeans I've come to appreciate the most is hidden behind the seams. Anyone who's ridden a bike as a commuter knows that visibility is top priority. If you can't be seen, you can't be safe. So Rapha has built high vis colouring into the inside seams of both legs and put a large reflective ink logo on the inside. When you roll up the cuff you've got some extra visibility to keep you safe. You don't have to worry about bringing more kit, it's just always there with you.