That Hat

There it is again, that stupid hat. Secretly I wish I still had it.
On maybe the greatest road trip of my childhood, and somewhere along the ice fields highway that runs through the rockies from Banff to Jasper, my parents said yes to buying me a hat that had a giant moose on the brim. I loved that hat, and thought it made me look like a moose. Everywhere we went, I wore this hat making moose sounds (more of a cow moo), and posed with it for photos. Here I am on the glacier hiding behind my mom pretending to be a moose. So embarrassing.
This summer in particular my grandmother decided to roll with us. All 5 of us were packed into the back of the car and we drove to the rockies and stopped to see my other grandmother in Winnipeg along the way. A trip full of memories I will never forget.
My dad is killing it with his sweet outfit. Hi mom.